
Home > Cards > Sobremesa

Interpretation & Meaning

Sobremesa - a card of the Inclusive Oracle deck

Manuel (they/them) closed their eyes as the last bite of ice cream melted in their mouth. Carmen (she/her) was tired, Juan (he/him) was talkative, the dishwasher begged for its mouthful of dirty dishes. They could leave the table and also couldn’t, aware of how unremarkable and precious that moment was.

There had been last bites of ice cream and dishwashers to load in the past, more were awaiting in the future.

Yet each of those moments was slightly different in the way it brought the three of them together, a super glue made of mundane anecdotes recounted over digestive rumblings.

This card is about the people and situations that make you feel like you belong. Be it a biological family or an acquired one, the sense of community is indispensable for the human soul and a powerful source of inner strength.

When this card shows up in a reading, it’s time to channel the power of your people, strive for belonging and act for the well-being of the group.

The goal is to weaponize the strength of your peer group and overcome every obstacle without leaving anyone behind. Social justice over individual interest, altruism over greed, cooperation over competition. 

This is also a card of connection. If you’re feeling discouraged, disoriented or generally lost, you should refill your emotional tank by summoning the nurturing powers of the faces and rooms that feel like home. Call your best friend, pay your mother a visit, make a bigger effort to fit in. Whatever the voices in your head are telling you, remind yourself that you’re deserving of love and there are people in your life who are able (and happy) to provide it.

An emblem of interconnectivity, Sobremesa is a reminder that similarities are more powerful than differences and that we’re all in the same, shaky boat.


Keywords: family • community • friendship • cooperation • democracy • equality • patriotism • social group • safety • contribution • support • altruism • connection • network • belonging • In-Group • solidarity • social cohesion • domesticity • humility • egalitarianism • sociability

Practical References

Places Town Hall, Parliament, Household, Recreational Clubs, Gay Bar, Community Spots
Work Activist, Public Defender, Social Worker, Union Representative, Non-Profit Worker, NGO, Politician, Charity Worker
Situations & Life Events Town Assembly, Family Reunion, Gay Pride, Demonstration, Strike, Networking Events, Conferences, Globalization
Activities Team Sports, Book Clubs, Movie Clubs, Networking and all kinds of group activities
Archetypes The Citizen, The Regular Guy, The Social Champion
The Soil
In the Soil position, this card directly references a community, a team, a society that the consultant might be an integral part of.
The Knot
As the Knot, this card symbolizes the tension between individual success and group achievement. You can only advance in your journey by representing your community, championing its needs and moving forward together
The Eye
When this card shows up as the Eye, it can represent someone who values democracy and is vocal about social justice. It could also hint at someone who wants to fit in more than anything else, a person who sees life through the lens of social belonging
The Fall
As the Fall, this card warns you against wanting to fit in at all costs or seeking connections only as a way to advance yourself. It could also be an invitation to carefully pick your social battles: some of the crusades you're fighting might end up hurting your cause and not representing the community for which you're trying to speak. It could also hint at bad influences in your social circle.
The Hook
When this card appears as the Hook, it's an invitation to connect to your peers and use the strength of this bond as a motivation, a tool and a guide. Remember that you're in this together and nobody will be left behind.
The Fruit
In the Fruit position, this card suggests an outcome that manifests itself through a new sense of community, equality and connection

Homework & Practice

In order to embody the teachings of this card, you can:

  • Commit to talking to your family on a regular basis and visit your distant relatives
  • Bake for your neighbors or organize a neighborhood get together
  • Attend local events
  • Take an active role in the political scene of your city
  • Take an active role in causes that help your community
  • Join a sport team or league connected to your peers
  • Research the history of your community and its role in society through time
  • Volunteer at a school, organization, community center
  • Spend your money in ways that help your social group

Ready for your first reading?

The card’s background photo is by the incredible Airam Dato-on.